
Samyang Corporation's Q.one EASY TOMORROW, Airing New TV Commercial 'Rip It'

Samyang Corporation’s Q.one EASY TOMORROW, Airing New TV Commercial “Rip It”




Samyang Corporation’s Q.one EASY TOMORROW is focusing on expanding its customer base with a new TV commercial.

 Samyang Corporation announced on October 1 that a new TV commercial, “Rip It,” for the hangover-cure product Q.one EASY TOMORROW will be airing from the same day.

 This new commercial creates a music video-like atmosphere by featuring the trending rapper Kim Ha-on, along with EASY TOMORROW model Hyeri. Kim Ha-on shows up with exciting rap beats ‘I want to feel easy, I rip it,’ ripping open the EASY TOMORROW package and grooving along with the audience. Hyeri tells the rapping Kim Ha-on, ‘You’ve learned it right,’ delivering the message that EASY TOMORROW is trending as a dominant hangover-cure product which is being sold every 2 seconds.

 This TV commercial makes a strong impression with the gestures of the two models ripping open the EASY TOMORROW package, which is intercut with catchy rap lines repeating ‘Rip It.’ For this commercial, Kim Ha-on wrote and composed a song himself and unveiled this trendy song that fits well with the image of EASY TOMORROW.

 An official from EASY TOMORROW explains the intended meaning behind the commercial, “We took inspiration for this commercial from ripping open the pouch package when we take the round pill EASY TOMORROW. ‘Rip EASY TOMORROW’ will become a new catchphrase when people drink together.”

Q.one’s EASY TOMORROW was launched by Samyang Corporation in 2013 as a hangover-curing pill. Yeast extract and mixed plant concentrates (oriental raisin, Atractylodes Lancea, mountain hawthorn fruits, and East Asian arrowroot flowers) are mixed together into a spherical pill. Its main strength is that it provides a quick hangover relief. Each 3g pill is packaged individually, making it easier to carry around and consume.

 EASY TOMORROW, which has become a “dominant trend in the hangover-cure market,” is focusing on expanding its customer base to maintain its growth momentum. Following actor Lee Si-eon, rapper Kim Ha-on is featured as a model in the second half of the year, and the company is implementing strategies to raise brand awareness across all age groups by re-designing the package and using product placement (PPL) in Show Me the Money 8.

 You can check out EASY TOMORROW’s new TV commercial “Rip It” on TV, or on EASY TOMORROW’s official website or Facebook page.  

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